Udzungwa Corridor Limited

Building a Critical Ecosystem Bridge

Mission: Reconnect two 30-million-year-old forests with endangered endemic animals and plants

Estimated CO2 capture:  5.3 million tons over 30 years. 

Start Date:  June 2021, UCL set up on a remote mountaintop, cut off in heavy rains from the outside world

Planting Area: Roadless 7,500 ha deforested mountain terrain spread over 100 km2

Solution: 28 distant nurseries & planting camps for over 1,000 workers, supplied by porters making over 30,000 trips per year

Impact at the end of Year 3:

  • Planted Area: 2,433 ha
  • Surviving Trees Planted: 2,703,063
  • Native Species Planted
  • Seasonal Jobs Created
  • Community Payments: $275,372
  • Local Salaries, Wages & Benefits: $1,992,932
  • Taxes: $264,018
  • Full Time Jobs Created: 168

After Project

$40 million forestry asset which should produce 1% sustainable harvest revenues of $3.5 million/year from Year 31 to villages where 790 families were living on $13/month when we started.

Community Benefits Over 30-Year Project Life

$9.6 million in lease payments to farmers and village councils
$8.6 million employment
50% of all Profits from Carbon Revenue

Benefits to Tanzania

$3 million in operating taxes, before profits

30% corporate taxes and 15% dividend taxes on profits

Restoration of an important watershed for the 5.9GW Nyerere Hydro Power Dam